
Meet the team! with a combined 31 years of dedicated crypto experience we are more than capable of building and growing a product of this calibre.

Chuni - CEO Finance & Economics background with 7+ years of experience in Crypto. Worked with multiple 8-9 fig projects and very well connected in the space

Nico Machiavelli - CSO/GROWTH Real estate investor, 7 years experience in crypto, onboarded $100m+ companies into web3, web3 strategist for high end projects

Elevatedoshi - CMO/SALES

4 experience years in crypto, advisor and team member to multiple 8 fig plus projects, strategist

Tom Bateman - CTO/PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Computer Science MSc, ex 8 year Head of IT, multiple commercial web and solidity contract deployments.

LEAD Developer -

Developed 750m+ projects, trading and anaylsing crypto since the dawn of bitcoin, dedicated crypto developer for 6 years.

Last updated